If the changes have been successful, select Dark from the options. You can change the App theme by going to the following window and clicking on it. Then, after selecting Notepad, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner. All of these themes are customizeable using the Style Configurator dialog box, or you can edit the XML files that host them. Notepad comes pre-packaged with a number of different themes, but you can choose a default theme. In the Preferences section, you can select your theme. After downloading and copying the XML file, it should be in the desired folder. Notepad’s Theme Editor makes it simple to change the theme. A theme employs a variety of controls, such as color, background, and font properties. The XML file Notepad has Font, Background Color, Foreground Color, and Lexical and Global Color attributes. You can change the theme at any time by going back to the Theme Manager window and selecting a different theme. Now when you open Notepad, you will see the new theme applied. When you are finished, click the Save button. You can also change the font size and type. In the Theme Options window, you can change the colors used for the text, background, and selection. To do this, click the Theme Options button in the Theme Manager window.

You can also change the colors and fonts used by the theme. The theme will be applied to Notepad and you will see the changes immediately. In the Theme Manager window, select the theme you want to use and click the Apply button. Select Theme Manager from the list of plugins. Once you have installed the theme plugin, open Notepad and go to the Plugins menu. There are a few different theme plugins available, but we recommend using Notepad++ Theme Manager. To use a theme in Notepad, you will need to install a theme plugin. Notepad does not have a built-in theme system, but there are several third-party themes available for download.

Themes are a set of colors, fonts, and background images that can be applied to Notepad or other text editors to change their appearance. Notepad is not designed for advanced text editing, but it can be used to create and edit simple text files. It has been a part of the Windows operating system since 1985. Notepad is a simple text editor that is included with Microsoft Windows.