Export tracks to MPC Software for use with MPC Renaissance and MPC Studio

"3D Perform" controls - use your iPhone's motion sensors to control parameters Exclusive iMPC sound set and classic Akai Professional sound library The app’s built-in sampler can record samples three different ways: using the mic on the iPad, using the line input on the iPad, or using the multi-touch turntable interface in iMPC to record samples directly from iTunes or other music libraries. With features including built-in effects, plus the ability to create new sequences and record and overdub beats, the possibilities are endless. iMPC includes everything you need to create a beat quickly and easily.

Need help? Have an issue or question? Please email us at brings the look and feel of the classic Akai Pro MPC to your iPad. Turn your iPad into an MPC with more than 1,200 samples, 50 editable programs, 80 editable sequences, and iconic MPC workflow.